Monday 8 August 2011

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden
Frances Hodgson Burnett
@quitecontrary bored. Parents ignore me all the time and I am well ugly. Wish something would happen
DID NOT MEAN I WISH MY PARENTS WOULD DIE. Now I have to go to Yorkshire. FML. Hated them all anyway
I'm on a boat!
All the other kids are being so mean and singing weird songs at me
Horrible old lady telling me about new home and family. Like I CARE @secretnurse
They all speak WEIRD! And think I should dree MYSELF. WTF
Apparently there is a secret garden #wishlist. Going for a jaunt in the garden
The robin is flying in and out of the secret garden. Show off.
Martha telling me family history. More interesting now. Though she is totes lying about the screaming. Is not wind :(
@oldgardener is gardening. Ooooh, this means the soil is turning over. #brilliantplotdevice?
Robin is magic and showed me door. Thank god for intelligent animals. MY garden now
gardening is making pretty. Who knew?
OMG I love Dickon. He is beautiful and is friends with animals
@petwhisperer, let's get gardening!
Meeting @totallydistant, my Uncle today. WIll trick him out of garden
OMG cannot SLEEP! WTF? Someone is yelling inconsiderately. Going to find out.
I have a cousin. A weird, sickly cousin, but hey, beggars cant be choosers etc.
————————————————————————————————————— are a crybaby. And raja. A cryja
@petwhisperer. All your ideas are AWESOME <3
Family fight time. Bring it
You ARENT DYING and @dntwnt2die!!! Party in the garden?
Garden is so pretty *^-^* MLIA!
Colin, don't get excited, you won't live forever. You just won't die NOW. Sigh
@dntwnt2die You can walk though. Gratz
@oldgardener climbed a ladder. Clever. Oh noes, is secret out? :(
We are going to do magic. Stuff religion, magic ftw
Lolz, everyone still thinks that @dntwnt2die is still ill, but we're totes having muffins in the garden!
Um..lecturing is not point of garden! Think you are a fattie because you are eating loads
Think we are all learning a lot about child development here, no?
Blind man's Buff is an awesome game!
Although you catching your dad was unexpected, @dntwnt2die, admittedly
We are all walking back into house together :) Happy ending. Thank Magic!